Sunday, January 20, 2008

2008 Race Schedule

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Support the Donna Hicken Foundation and the Mayo clinic here.

2007 summary 2007 race reports 2008 goals

2oo8 Race Schedule

01: 01/05/08 (MS) Mississippi Blues Marathon complete!
xx: 01/12/08 (FL) Disneyworld Half Marathon complete! New PR!!
02: 01/13/08 (FL) Disneyworld Marathon complete!
03: 02/02/08 (FL) Orlando Xtreme Marathon complete!
04: 02/10/08 (WA) Valentine Marathon complete!
05: 02/17/08 (FL) National Marathon to Fight Breast Cancer complete!
06: 02/23/08 (TX) Cowtown Marathon complete!
xx: 03/01/08 (WA) Des Moines Creek 6-hour Ultra skipped!
xx: 03/09/08 (WA) Mercer Island Half Marathon complete! New PR!!
07: 03/16/08 (TX) Seabrook Lucky Trails Marathon complete!
08: 08: 03/22/08 (WA) Easter Marathon complete!
xx: 03/29/08 (WA) Dizzy Daze 50k skipped!
09: 04/05/08 (WA) Yakima Marathon complete!
10: 04/13/08 (WA) Whidbey Island Marathon complete!
11: 04/27/08 (CA) Big Sur Marathon complete!
12: 05/04/08 (OR) Eugene Marathon complete! New PR!!
13: 05/10/08 (WA) Tacoma City Marathon complete!
14: 05/17/08 (WA) Redmond Watershed Preserve 12-hour Ultra complete! New longest distance!
15: 05/24/08 (OK) Andy Payne Memorial Marathon complete!
16: 05/31/08 (WA) 20th Century 50k WIMP complete! New 50k PR!
17: 06/08/08 (WA) North Olympic Discovery Marathon complete!
18: 06/14/08 (WA) Lake Youngs Ultra complete!
xx: 06/21/08 (WA) Seattle Race for the Cure 5k complete!
19: 06/29/08 (HI) Kona Marathon complete!
20: 07/05/08 (WA) Breast Cancer 3-Day Fundraiser Ultra complete!
21: 07/06/08 (WA) Rattlesnake Lake Marathon complete! 18th double!
22: 07/13/08 (MT) Missoula Marathon complete!
23: 07/20/08 (TX) El Scorcho midnight 50k complete!
24: 07/26/08 (WA) White River 50 Miler complete!
xx: 08/02/08 (WA) Tacoma Narrows Half Marathon complete!
25: 08/10/08 (OR) Haulin' Aspen Marathon complete!
xx: 08/16/08 (WA) Blanchard Mountain Ultra skipped!
26: 08/17/08 (WA) Light at the End of the Tunnel Marathon complete!
27: 08/23/08 (UT) Park City Marathon complete!
xx: 08/24/08 (WA) Redmond Watershed Preserve Marathon skipped!
xx: 09/01/08 (WA) Super Jock N'Jill Half Marathon complete!
28: 09/07/08 (WA) Skagit Flats Marathon complete!
29: 09/14/08 (HI) Maui Marathon complete!
30: 09/28/08 (WA) Bellingham Bay Marathon complete!
31: 10/05/08 (OR) Portland Marathon complete!
32: 10/12/08 (WA) Spokane Marathon complete!
33: 10/18/08 (RI) Breakers Marathon complete!
34: 10/26/08 (WA) Tri-Cities Marathon complete!
35: 11/02/08 (NH) Manchester Marathon complete!
36: 11/16/08 (TX) Rock-n-Roll San Antonio Marathon complete!
37: 11/23/08 (TN) Flying Monkey Marathon complete!
38: 11/27/08 (GA) Atlanta Marathon complete!
xx: 11/29/08 (WA) Seattle Marathon 5k complete!
39: 11/30/08 (WA) Seattle Marathon complete!
40: 12/06/08 (TX) Sunmart 50 Miler complete!
41: 12/14/08 (HI) Honolulu Marathon complete!
xx: 12/31/08 (WA) Last Chance Half Marathon complete!